
This page of dog resources is a compiled list of links to resources you may find useful. A lot of our research comes from information we found on these sites and their related articles. These links are NOT affiliated links, simply links to useful institutions and kennel clubs around the world. I hope you find them as useful and informative as I have.

Global Dog Resources

The Global Dog Resource section is where we have compiled a list of sources that are considered by many to be international. These international sourced of information were handpicked by Farmer Jer, due to his referencing these sites in the past. This happened when researching articles. The sites, societies or otherwise that are mentioned here are those which were found to be used on a regular basis and thus are considered staple sources for credible information. Therefore, there may have been numerous other sources used, cited or referenced which did not make this list. The frequency with which we found sources to be useful, generally decides whether or not the sources made it to our resources page.

Federation Cynologique Internationale


Regional Dog Resources

The regional dog resources are conveniently broken down here for you. And hence, it’s a little easier to navigate. Simply scroll to your country of choice to find some great resources to information about dogs from that particular country. Although we may have referenced, cited, researched or utilized information found on a site that may have its origins in the country stated, not all sources made the cut, so to speak. Again, we only chose to list sources which time and again proved their usefulness. We hope you find them equally useful.

United States

American Kennel Club

The University of California, Davis – School of Veterinary Medicine

Cornell University – College of Veterinary Medicine

The University of Pennsylvania – School of Veterinary Medicine

Texas A&M University – Department of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Smithsonian Institution

National Geographic Society


Canadian Kennel Club

University of Guelph – Ontario Veterinary College

Universite de Montreal – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The University of Saskatchewan – Western College of Veterinary Medicine

University of Prince Edward Island – Atlantic Veterinary College

University of Calgary – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

The Royal Ontario Museum

United Kingdom

The Kennel Club

The Royal Veterinary College, London

The University of Cambridge

The British Museum


Australian National Kennel Council

The University of Sydney

Australian Museum


Japan Kennel Club

Azabu University

The National Museum of Japanese History


The Kennel Club of India

The Indian Veterinary Research Institute

The National Museum of New Delhi


Dutch Kennel Club

Utrecht University


Kennel Club Argentino


Brasil Kennel Club


Ghent University – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Best Dog Heating Pad To Keep Your Pooch Warm

The Lectro-Kennel Heat Pad
The Lectro-Kennel Heat Pad is our top pick for dog house heaters.

If you’re shopping for a heater for your dog, whether for your dog house, garage or anywhere else, this indoor/outdoor pet heater has been trusted by professionals for over 40 years. And we trust it too. It’s the safest option to keep your pooch toasty.

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